Monday, May 19, 2014

Leaving The Past Behind...

Hello ladies! Today I am going to be talking about a subject that is based off a sermon from one of my favorite pastors Andy Stanley. This sermon series is called Starting Over and it basically teaches you how to leave the past where it belongs; behind you.
There were several points from this series that I loved. However, there were a couple that really got me thinking.
"The past will remind me, not define me." That right there is so important. The question that continues to come up is; How long are you going to allow people or events from your past, have an effect on your future?
If you don't choose to take control of the issues now, you are going to continue to let the issues of your past control you.
Dealing with the past can often times be difficult and painful, but spare yourself the pain that it will continue to bring and face the issue now.
I encourage all of you to watch just these quick 30 minute messages here about how to deal with past events so that you can go forward and make your tomorrow better than yesterday.
If any of you watch one of the four messages, let me know what you think. I really enjoyed this series and hope you do to! Comment or email me with any questions, thoughts, or suggestions. I would love to hear from you!
Hope you all enjoy! I look forward to hearing what you think!
Talk to you soon!

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