Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Letter to My Freshman Self

Dear High School Freshman Juliana,

This is college freshman Juliana writing you. Yes that means that you actually made it through high school. You didn't fail math. You came close a few times, but you graduated. You made it to the right classrooms on the first day, well most of them. I would say that in four years you won't walk in and sit down in the wrong class, but that would be a lie. Just roll with it girl. Don't worry about it, you still graduated.
Often times, the school work seemed challenging and you may not know exactly what you want to do with your life just yet but that's okay. Study hard, and give it you're all. No one else you're age really knows what they are going to do with their life either. Can I tell you something? Don't worry. That won't make it any better, and God has you. By the end of you're senior year, you will be wishing you pushed a little harder through the academics because you are going to be very passionate about learning and about a career. You're going to have big dreams and a great plan.
I'll give it to you girl, high school is going to be hard. It will possibly be the hardest and feel like the longest four years of your whole life. You are going to struggle with some health problems that will make you feel lonely. Can I tell you what will help with that though, since I have been through it? Don't worry. That won't make it any better, and God has you. 
You're also going to make new friends, and loose friends. This is normal. It is going to seem like everyone else has more friends than you but can I tell you something? They don't. Can I tell you something else? Don't worry. That won't make it any better, and God has you.
This year, you're going to discover who you're true friends are and you're going to rely on God and you're awesome family more than you have ever had to before. The physical, mental, and spiritual problems you faced to get you to that point will be difficult, but can I tell you something? Don't worry. That won't make it any better, and God has you. 
Juliana, high school is hard, but high school is short. When you graduate you are going to be immersed into an entire new world that is adulthood. It is tricky but amazing. You are going to see you're true life long friends grow along side of you as well as meet some amazing new people. It will be scary and nerve wracking, but it is going to be great. Trust me.
You're going to be so eager to go to school (I know it sounds crazy!), and you're going to be excited for your career one day. 
Enjoy being a teenager. Can I tell you something? Don't worry. It won't make it any better, and God has you. God has you're health, you're future, you're friends, you're plans, you're academics, and you're whole life in the palm of his hand. Pray hard and stop worrying. You're going to turn out okay. :)

Juliana Grace

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