Happy Hump Day!! I had to just share some pictures from me and my sisters time at the pumpkin patch on Saturday. It finally got a little cool here in Central Florida (down in the low 70's). I was practically jumping for joy. Nothing makes this girl happier than being able to wear a flannel and booties without dying and sweating! My sister and I got there right when it opened before a ton of kids showed up and got some great pictures. We later walked around eating fall snacks and people watching. We finished our little excursion by rolling down the windows and blaring some country music on the drive home. It was such a good morning.
Life isn't always what it seems though from social media y'all... The rest of the day went down hill as I was stuck on the couch with a bad stomach ache and my sister had a mental breakdown after being taught how to drive on a really busy road for the first time. We were a bit of a mess. But Alabama beat Texas A&M so we went to sleep happy that night :)
I hope y'all have a great rest of your week! I will talk to you very soon!
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