Happy Monday everyone! I hope it has been a good one. Today we are continuing on in Genesis with another event of the bible. If you have missed any of the events you can catch up here. Also, if you haven't already, check out my post from yesterday about my little experiment/ project I am trying.
For those of you who did read it, I am alive. I survived my first day of the 7 foods. 1 day down, 29 to go. Again, pray for me :)
What we Learned This Week:
God told Abraham of His plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham begged God to save the cities if he found 10 righteous men there but he only found one, Lot. God rescued Lot and his family, but his wife looked back as they fled the burning cities and she was left as a pillar of salt.
Relating this to Your Life:
This is a tough one. We often come across events in the bible like this one where we wonder what this really has to do with us, or why this happened. However, I think that God shows us his strength and might through events like this one. When God does something for you, whether you know the outcome or not, take it and don't look back. That is what I personally would take out of this devotion.
What we are Reading This Week: Genesis 21-22
I hope you all enjoyed this quick devotion and will be back again next week to read more. Have a great week and I will be chatting with you again soon!
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