Wednesday, December 2, 2015

7 Project: Acts of Kindness

Good evening my loves! How are y'all doing? If you haven't already, read about my 7 project here. This is month 6 and during the month of November, also the month of thanksgiving, I wanted to do acts of kindness. Again, I am not going to go far into detail about what all I did but I simply showed some love to others. Some of the people I knew, some of them I didn't, some of them will never know it was me doing it. Doing random acts of kindness this month really made me feel more happy and continent. Not everything I did cost money or was really elaborate but simply kind. I encourage you to do the same.
This last month of 7 I am going to be focusing on giving. Right here at Christmas time I easily become consumed with want, Want, WANT and have decided to focus on giving to others instead. I have already done some giving away this month and I feel blessed by it already. I will be going into full detail about that at the end of December but wanted to encourage you to join me this last month. I feel like I have truly benefitted from this project and cant wait to see what God does this last month. Stay around to see what happens :)
 Speaking of giving there is currently a GIVEAWAY happening on my Instagram (here)  right now. Head on over to check it out and enter to win.
Talk to you soon!


Go ahead and leave me a comment! I will get back to you as soon as I can!