Monday, September 6, 2021

July & August Reading Recap & Recommendations

 The school year has started which means my summer is officially over.. tear. I enjoyed my summer so much and I can't believe that the school year is already here again. I am loving my first year so far though. I will definitely have to be better about making room for some reading each day.

I enjoyed some great books in July and August and I couldn't hardly wait to share them with you. Please don't hesitate to send me your reading recommendations! 

Summer Darlings by: Brooke Lea Foster

A wealthy family on Martha's Vineyard during the summer of 1960's hires a nanny who quickly learns about the privilege those on the island experience. She is forced to choose between her humble upbringing or doing whatever it takes to live this lavish lifestyle she has observed as an outsider all summer.

This book was such a joy to read. I want an entire genre titled "Books Set During The 1960's On Martha's Vineyard, Cape Cod, or Nantucket". Is that too much to ask? There was no wild moment or turning point, but it was just a simply entertaining story. I reccomend!

Rate: 4/5 Stars

 Dial A for Aunties by: Jesse Q. Sutanto

Crazy Rich Asians meets Knives Out in this hilarious story containing a murder amidst the wedding of the century! 

Y'all this is one of my favorite books of the whole year. This was absolutely hilarious. It has been a long time since I actually laughed out loud while reading a book. This book does have a little bit of dark humor but this Indonesian family trying to cover up a dead body during a giant wedding they are trying to pull off had me about to pee my pants. I am DYING for this to be turned into a movie!

Rate: 5 Stars!

The Last Thing He Told Me by: Laura Dave

Right before he disappears, Owen Michaels leaves a note to his wife Hannah simply saying "Protect Her". His wife knows that he is referring to his sixteen year old daughter. Thus begins a deep dive into Owens past where Hannah learns more about her husband than she ever thought she'd discover.

I really liked this story but found it a little forgettable. I gave it three stars after reading but a few days later I couldn't hardly remember what it was about. Take that for what you will. 

Rate: 3/5 Stars

Float Plan by: Trish Doller

After the suicide of her fiancĂ©, Anna is overcome with grief. She decides to take her fiancĂ©'s boat out to complete their mission of sailing the world. Along the journey she has to hire a young man to help who is also secretly coping with loss. 

I really liked this story. It was kind of hard understanding parts of the story without knowing a lot about sailing, but I really liked the characters and the simplicity of this book. I highly reccommend!

Rate: 4/5 Stars!

A Stranger in the House by: Shari Lapena

This domestic thriller contains a perfect suburban couple, a scary one car accident, a man left for dead after being shot, and a stranger in the house. How are all of these events connected?

I really liked this book and the story but found it really slow at times. If it had moved along a little faster I would have rated it higher. I love several of Lapena's other books more!

Rate: 3/5 Stars

Well those were my July and August reads! What have you read recently? Leave any good recommendations below!

Chat soon. xoxo.


Go ahead and leave me a comment! I will get back to you as soon as I can!