Happy Friday everyone! I have had just the BEST week ever and I think it has everything to do with this fabulous weather! A cold front came through Florida late this week and we have had weather in the low 70s during the day y'all. It is absolutely wonderful! I have spent all day studying outside, wearing boots and long sleeves, and rocking some plum lipstick.
This weekend I am volunteering at my church's Fall Festival and I can't wait to see all the cuties from our church preschool dressed up. Sunday my sister and I are heading to HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS! It has been over a month since we went to Disney so we are very excited to go and not sweat our butts off like usual. It is going to be a perfect ending to a perfect week.
It's Friday so that means it is time to share my favorites from the week with y'all! Here we go!
One // Joe and Kendras Wedding

HOLY COW! The other night another Duggar wedding aired and it was the MOST beautiful wedding I have ever seen. Joseph Duggar married Kendra and she looked stunning. They were also just ADORBS. They are starting the new season soon where they will rewind and see all the planning leading up to their wedding before airing the wedding episode again as the finale. I am DYING over her dress and vail.. STUNNING!
Two // Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Three // Seeing the Gloria Estefan Musical with my Momma!
My mom and I went to see the Gloria Estefan musical at the beautiful Dr. Phillips and it was amazing!! We both loved it and I love having one on one time with my bestie!
Four // Seeing Happy Death Day AGAIN with my Sister
This was my second time seeing Happy Death Day but my sisters first and it was just as good the second time! I already mentioned it in my last Spontaneous Miscellaneous post but I so recommend it. I am usually not a fan of scary movies, but this is more of a mystery and is SO good.
Five // It's Gameday Y'all Shirt
I love this shirt I found at my local boutique! I paired it with some black and white checkered shorts for UCF colors but there are other great colors to choose for your team as well. SO southern and CUTE!
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