Monday, July 17, 2017

Travel Bucketlist

Happy Monday everyone. I just got back from campus getting small things done for the upcoming school year. I am so enjoying my summer but am very ready for school to start back in about a month. I am someone who does better with a routine and find that during the summer my schedule is all crazy. I will be excited come mid-August for a more regular plan for each day. 

While I am talking about a lack of schedule, I thought we could talk about our travel dreams together, because all of us partially want to travel to at least a couple different places in our lifetime right? I am certainly not someone who longs for a life of constant travel. I hear so many people say they dream of "living out of a suitcase". Nothing sounds worse to me. I have been fortunate to go on several fantastic family vacations growing up and plan on doing the same with my family one day. However, after a week of staying in a hotel, I am always ready to come home (remember the whole need for routine bit?). I also have a HUGE fear of flying and hate long drives so the process of getting somewhere fun is often times my worst nightmare. I do however, have a list of places in the world that I am dying to see in person. There is so much to learn in seeing places so different then where you come from and I am dying to experience some different cultures, appetites, and views. Here is my travel bucket list..

Paris, France
If you know me, you know this is a no-brainer. I have owned several books all about Paris, France and took French in high school. Although I didn't remember much about speaking the language I always LOVED learning more about this city and country. I am DYING to visit here and have already planned out my whole trip I will take one day thanks to my multiple coffee table books and Pinterest. 

Vermont (During the Fall)
This isn't out of the country but I have always wanted to take a trip to somewhere during the Fall to take in the Fall foliage and do some apple picking and cider drinking. This state looks so stunning and am dying to see it in person one day.

Kuaii, Hawaii
Who doesn't want to spend some time in Hawaii? Again, not international, but I am still longing for the beautiful nature there is on this island. I have always wanted to go cage diving with great white sharks in Hawaii. This might be the last place I ever travel to ;)

Tokyo, Japan
I haven't done much research about Japan but have always found this culture fascinating. I have seen several videos and pictures of Tokyo and think it would be a fun packed vacation if I ever went.

Waco and Mckinney, Texas
This is quite a silly one but my mom and I have always wanted to go to Waco TX to see the Magnolia house and the Silos (which is Chip and Joanna Gaines mini empire built in their hometown!) While we are in Texas we thought we might as well stop by Mckinney. This is a small town that Shay Shull, Andrea McAnally, and Erika Slaughter live in. They are bloggers my mom and I have been following for years and always joke about how cute their hometown is and how we feel like we would fit in there!

Roadtrip through California
My sister and I have always said that one day we want to take a road trip in a jeep through this state and experience all the famous and touristy places. My sister and I always have fun together but a trip like that might just be the BEST!

Shanghai Disneyland
I obviously wouldn't travel all the way to China just to see another Disney park but I certainly have seeing this park on my bucket list. It is so beautiful and I think seeing a Disney park in a country so different from mine would be so cool. I also would like to explore the city of Shanghai as well!

Alaskan Cruise
I have never really wanted to go on a cruise but when I saw that you can see parts of Alaska on a cruise that you can't see on foot, I was hooked. This place looks stunning. 

There you have it! A random collection of places I am dying to see one day. Have you been to any of these places? What places are on your travel bucket list? I am thinking in a couple of weeks of doing a "Florida Bucketlist" which I might be able to check off a little faster.

I will talk to you very soon!



  1. Marthas vineyard, Cape Cod and Nantucket ❤️

  2. Good article, your sharing is so nice, love your work!


Go ahead and leave me a comment! I will get back to you as soon as I can!