Happy Friday y'all! I can't believe how long it has been since I have done one of these blog posts. It has been busy busy busy! I plan to have a relaxing weekend full of running, coffee, and Gilmore Girls. Heck yeah! I am back today though with a fun recap of all my favorite things recently!
First things first y'all, Designated Survivor returned Wednesday night and it was STRESSFUL! I flippin' love this show. It is so intense. You can catch up on all the episodes here if you haven't seen it yet.
Speaking of tv shows, my sister and I are close to finishing Gilmore Girls and I am going to be so sad when it's over. We will obviously still have the Year in the Life series to watch but it just won't be the same.
I have LOVED following Kate from the Lonestar Southern blog on her Lilly Pulitzer spring break trip in Palm Beach! Her blog posts showing off the new Lilly collection is amazing! Lilly P does it again.

The Yes.Fit Virtual races are a recent favorite of mine. I am new to this whole virtual racing thing but I have to say it is pretty cool. It is an interesting way to keep runners motivated and interested in running. Yes.Fit has several races to participate in and they are all a different mileage. You get to split the miles up however you would like and run them wherever, when ever, and how ever you like at your own pace. You sync your running app or watch to the website and once you reach the finish, they send you your medal. This website is super great about sending you emails too tracking your progress. I am almost done with the Alice and Wonderland race that I signed up for. Once I finish and get my medal, maybe I will do a full blog post talking all about it. RunDisney also has a summer virtual race series coming up this summer that I might participate in. I will keep you updated :)
I have to admit I slacked on my February reading, but have really found several podcasts I love. There just isn't enough time in the day for all the tv shows, movies, books, podcasts, etc... Oh and school and work and the other necessary things of life :/ You can expect to see a blog post with those recommendations soon!
I always love suggestions! What are some of your favorite things recently??
Have a great weekend! I will talk to y'all very soon :)
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