Thursday, March 19, 2015

1 Year Blogiversary with BLOOPER Pics!

Hi everyone! I am so excited that Monday was my 1 year blog anniversary! I can't believe I have been writing for this little place on the internet for a whole year. That is crazy to think about. I honestly knew nothing about blogging when I first started a year ago, and I am still trying to figure some things out, but I am very proud of myself for trying something new and pushing myself to stick with it. I started this little website as just an idea or a project and months later I decided I would try to make a go at this and post weekly. I now have a routine of posting 3-4 times a week. I now know what I want to do with my blog and although it has taken me a while to get the hang of things and really get this thing going, I am really proud of myself and thankful for all the sweet comments that all of y'all leave on my posts and especially the sweet emails I get often! You all make my day and I cant believe you like to read and see what I have to say so thank you! I love every aspect of blogging including writing, editing, designing, and photography.
Speaking of photography, I thought to celebrate our 1 year blogiversary I should pop on here to show you all the pictures that didn't make it into the actual posts. This could really come back to haunt me, but I hope you get a kick out of em :)

(My glow in the dark wig at my sisters party)

(Swiftly kicking the plant out of my picture)

Oh what I will do to get a cool action shot

Ready, Set, HIKE

idk man. idk

"Ugh how many more pictures???"

"Is this how I do the whip??"

Wow I have never seen a palm tree before

Again, idk.


ukulele possessed


hit it gurl

I don't do well with the cold

so cold. cant walk

Whatever Wednesday

I hope yall enjoyed. Thanks to my sister who takes the pictures of me and can always capture some great photos ;) Hope you have a fabulous hump day and I will see you on Friday! Comment below or email me with any thoughts or questions.


  1. Replies
    1. Haha I am glad you liked them :)

      Juliana Grace

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks girl! I appreciate your sweet comments often and I adore your blog too!

      Juliana Grace

  3. Happy Blogiversary! And all of these photos are so cute ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

    1. Thank you! I am not sure they are too cute ;) I appreciate your sweet comments on every post. You are a massive encouragement!

      Juliana Grace


Go ahead and leave me a comment! I will get back to you as soon as I can!